Earlier this month, I was reminded of a valuable lesson in life and business during my flight from Toronto to Tel Aviv. I had just woken up from a brief nap and gazed out the window to a beautiful sunset. Perfect light. The mixture of blue, green, yellow and orange with a clear line of clouds was stunning. One of those moments when you just stare at beauty and zone out. After about 60 seconds of admiring the sunset, in the corner of my eye, I noticed darkness. My attention turned across the plane as the contrast was striking from the bright sunset I was seeing. Across the aisle, and out the opposite window, I noticed it was pitch black. Perfect sunset on my side, and darkness on the other…
This got me thinking…
No matter how good things may be for you at the moment, there is someone, potentially even within your organization or inner circle, who isn’t doing so well. Often, they just need to know you’re there for them, and give them a word or two of encouragement - it goes incredibly far. Show them how close the beautiful sunset is.
Leadership and Entrepreneurship is About Lifting Others Up
When things aren’t going well, it can feel like the world, and one’s colleagues, are getting miles ahead. It’s an inaccurate perception, but when someone is in dark times, it’s their reality. Unbeknownst to them, they may be one good day or decision away from a straight upward trajectory. It’s incredible how quickly things can turn, particularly in business. Remind them of that. As the saying goes, “this too shall pass.”
When you’re sitting in a good spot, atop a succession of victories as an entrepreneur, look around in your organization and inner circle. Make it your duty to lift others up. Rarely are we all in a positive state of mind. Imagine how powerful it would be if we were though…
People will always remember if you take it upon yourself to lift others up. It’s what real leadership is, and it’s admirable. It’s an endearing trait.
Remember that at a moment’s notice, you can go from dark to light and vice versa. Remind yourself, or someone close to you in a dark period, to never view a moment in time as a sign of permanence. A beautiful sunset is always near.
Stay hungry,
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