When I’m in Big Sur I like to visit the Henry Miller Memorial Library. It has a unique tranquil setting in a field across the road from a cliff that overlooks the Pacific, and an eclectic book collection. These books are very different from what …
Marco Rubio Bashes Capitalism and Free Markets
Six years ago, Marco Rubio was my pick for the new face of the Republican Party. He was young, appeared sharp, and an apparent staunch supporter of the free markets. And being Latino, he brought important diversity to the Republican Party which has been wrongly …
Millennials Matter: Social Entrepreneurs Will Determine the Next President
This article was contributed by Chris Miller. Chris is the founder and CEO of the internationally renowned social entrepreneurship incubator and accelerator The Mission Center L3C. He is the co-founder of the Washington University Startup Training Lab and a senior lecturer of Entrepreneurship at the University …
New Space Race Inspires Entrepreneurs Everywhere
Just watching, even from afar, innovative entrepreneurs take on daring challenges is incredibly inspiring. I find it makes me think bigger and more confidently, and gets my imagination going on how I could disrupt my industry through bold, innovative ideas… Watching Space X, Virgin Galactic …
Learn to Share if You Want to be a Great Entrepreneur
The new era for entrepreneurs is one that is based on people - lots of people, who share everything. From Bitcoin, to Uber, to Airbnb and now EatWith - it’s all about sharing capacity. You can now get paid to share a ride, a room, …
Are Your Beliefs and Opinions Authentic?
Are your thoughts and opinions authentic or are they manufactured by the media? Do you ever vet the talking points of the nightly news, or do you just accept it as gospel simply because it’s on T.V.? Our conscience is constantly under attack. Billions of …
A Scientific Startup Fighting World Hunger
Agricultural ventures are not coming to market fast enough (I’ve written why, here). We have a laborious task ahead of us to get to the point where we can feed a population that will hit 10 billion globally in our lifetime. All these people need …
The Bigger and Better Version of Bitcoin
We live in the greatest country on earth. For over half a century the US has been both the catalyst of democracy and beacon of capitalism. We’ve achieved such heights because of our tenacity as a nation, and our resolve as individuals. Our efficiency at …
Living and Dying by the US Constitution
[dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]W[/dropcap]hen everything seems to clash, and politicians back one side of the argument or the other, we have a document that defines our community, settles our differences, and reconciles our values. It binds our governing philosophy of democracy, our economic …
U2’s Bono Preaches Capitalism
[dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]U[/dropcap]2 makes great music, and its lead singer, obviously, is Bono (a.k.a Paul David Hewson), an iconic rock star. While sex, drugs and rock and roll define many gents who’ve followed similar career paths, Bono has remained focused on other …