While touting the merit of his wife Hillary Clinton for POTUS, Slick Willy slammed Obama (and to a degree George W.) in unprecedented fashion. Bill proclaimed today, “…if you believe we can all rise together; if you believe we have finally come to the point …
The Ted Cruz Campaign is Finished
Aside from his rather whiny voice and sensationalist approach to giving policy speeches, I used to like Ted Cruz as a candidate. He defied the Republican establishment, the likes of which include the stuck up McConnell and hack Lindsey Graham. He preached about the opportunities …
Marco Rubio Bashes Capitalism and Free Markets
Six years ago, Marco Rubio was my pick for the new face of the Republican Party. He was young, appeared sharp, and an apparent staunch supporter of the free markets. And being Latino, he brought important diversity to the Republican Party which has been wrongly …
What Societal Class Are You In?
This site is, in large part, focused on innovative ways to make money in today’s global economy. Profit, of course, is a huge driving force behind capitalism, entrepreneurship and investing, but so is having a positive influence on the community and people around you. So …
Colas Leading the Solar Energy Comeback
In 2008, Obama campaigned on a few issues, none more memorable, and comical, than his goal to stop the world’s sea levels from rising… So when he first took office there was a shift in government support from fossil fuels to renewables, specifically biofuels and …
“Will Hillary Clinton get prosecuted” Top Google Query During Dem Debate
Hillary Clinton has a branding problem, to say the least. Aside from coming off as cold, out of touch, and just a flat out unexciting candidate who is peddling old ideas as new ones, she is now viewed by the masses as a possible target …
Why Thomas Jefferson Hated the SOTU Speech and You Should Too
President Obama gave his final State of the Union address last night. While interest in the speech was the lowest it has ever been, which speaks to the anti-establishment surge from Trump this election season, that’s not what I want to talk about today. I’ve …
Obama Says San Bernardino Shooting Was Terrorist Attack
Tuning in early to the Colts & Steelers game, I was interrupted by Obama giving his third Oval Office address “to the American people.” Perhaps because he’s such an ‘amazing orator’ according to the mainstream media, I couldn’t resist watching the lame duck President sound …
New Space Race Inspires Entrepreneurs Everywhere
Just watching, even from afar, innovative entrepreneurs take on daring challenges is incredibly inspiring. I find it makes me think bigger and more confidently, and gets my imagination going on how I could disrupt my industry through bold, innovative ideas… Watching Space X, Virgin Galactic …
1 Day After Paris & Now the World Agrees with Trump
Say what you will about Donald Trump, but the guy has guts. Although he wouldn’t be my first choice for President, he’s brought some key issues into the debate that would have otherwise been ignored given how ‘politically incorrect’ many deem them to be. Additionally, …