While touting the merit of his wife Hillary Clinton for POTUS, Slick Willy slammed Obama (and to a degree George W.) in unprecedented fashion. Bill proclaimed today, “…if you believe we can all rise together; if you believe we have finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that, when we were practicing trickle down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what caused the crash, then you should vote for her…”
The left-wing MSM is calling this a slip of the tongue while the right is theorizing that perhaps Obama (and the DOJ) is planning on moving ahead with charging Hillary for her use of a private server while Secretary of State; and this was Bill’s attempt to get out in front of it by discrediting the lame duck President.
I’ve written about the rift between the Clintons and Obamas in the past and it appears the grudge is still alive and well. Obama has not endorsed Clinton, and I don’t see that happening now… but only a couple months ago Barack did invite Bernie Sanders, the man who can’t do simple math, to the White House.
Obama was in Cuba for his historic visit while all this played out… it will be interesting to hear his response when pried by the media.
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