Watching this presidential cycle, one thing comes to mind: America has fallen. Never mind how pathetic America’s GDP growth has been for nearly a decade, or the fact that almost half of working Americans now make $30,000 or less, this presidential campaign is all one …
Some People Just Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Vote
I’ve had one too many conversations with adults about politics lately. So many people stand firmly behind a leader of a political party yet can’t even explain what that party’s platform is about. It pisses me off. We’ve become a nation of lazy voters influenced …
Apparently Americans Are Too Stupid to Understand Obamacare
I’ve grown accustom to many politicians and lobbyists lying. However, the latest example of political fudgery grinds my gears. It has to do with Obamacare, and the culprit is one of the law’s key architects, Jonathan Gruber. By 2010, The White House had apparently paid …
California is the Armpit of America But There’s Still Hope
California is the armpit of America, but it hasn’t always been that way. I’ve been going to different parts of the state for nearly a decade, at least once a year; and every visit things seem to be getting worse down there. The last time …
Politicians Use People as Props at State of the Union
[dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]F[/dropcap]rom a war hero, to a gay professional athlete, to a pizza boy, Washington politicians used various people as props in the 2014 State of the Union address. Knowing that the cameras were rolling, and millions of viewers watching across …
Living and Dying by the US Constitution
[dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]W[/dropcap]hen everything seems to clash, and politicians back one side of the argument or the other, we have a document that defines our community, settles our differences, and reconciles our values. It binds our governing philosophy of democracy, our economic …
U2’s Bono Preaches Capitalism
[dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]U[/dropcap]2 makes great music, and its lead singer, obviously, is Bono (a.k.a Paul David Hewson), an iconic rock star. While sex, drugs and rock and roll define many gents who’ve followed similar career paths, Bono has remained focused on other …
How Comcast Won The Seattle Mayoral Election
Super PACs - An Invention from the Left It has never been a secret that money wins elections. The necessity to deliver political viewpoints and name recognition via television commercials, flyers, yard signs, etc. has long been the United States’ campaign culture, the funding an …
Are You Sick of Being Lied to, America?
The Second Greatest Breach of Contract in History What do you do when one party breaches a contract? Well, you have a number of remedies. One of which is to terminate the contract and/or sue for damages arising from the lack of performance. If it …