Stress. It’s an ailment we all suffer from, some more than others. While the nuances behind your stress compared to mine may be different, the root (aside from tragedies and the death of a loved one) stems from the same thing. Before I get into …
What I Learned from Former Special Forces at SHOT Show
As many of you know, some of the world’s best consumer products are descendants of military and law enforcement developed technologies. A few which come to mind are GPS, microwaves, duct tape, the internet, canned food, diving watches, and for all you fashion buffs, aviator …
Why SPIE Photonics is Better for Investors than CES
Meeting the management of startups is THE way to gauge the worthiness of a possible investment, particularly with technology-related companies… Last week, along with my company which is working on a lens technology that has real game-changing potential in the imaging space, I headed to …
The Story of A Caring Entrepreneur and His Tree-T-Pee
All the credit goes to Mark Cuban and the team at Shark Tank for this one. It’s an awesome story of an entrepreneur driven by passion, not simply making money. Johny Georges is the founder of the Tree-T-Pee, which protects trees from frost and provides …
Top 5 Industries For Entrepreneurs to Enter
Last week I wrote about the five worst industries to start a business in… avoid those like the plague unless you’re looking for daily headaches and a dwindling bank account. In this article, I want to look on the positive side of things and highlight …
The 5 Avoidable Mistakes New Entrepreneurs Make
Regretfully, we are inherently afraid of making mistakes, too sensitive to the slightest judgement, or we don’t heed the lessons each mistake teaches us. Personally, I was shit-scared of making mistakes when I first began as an entrepreneur. I thought that I had to do …
The Character of an Amazing Entrepreneur
The idea of being an entrepreneur crashes through almost everyone’s mind at some point or another in their lives. Few people follow the idea through to fruition. For most, it typically ends up becoming a passing fantasy. Becoming an entrepreneur is not the best way …
How to Get Your Product Selling in Major Retail Stores - According to Millionaire Expert
[dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]I[/dropcap] had a meeting yesterday with a multi-millionaire entrepreneur who made his fortune creating products for retail sale. His new passion, and the reason for our meeting, is a startup nutraceutical company looking to go public, after it raises about $4 …
Top 10 Entrepreneurs Under 30
In the last decade, due to the rapid growth of the internet and technology as a whole, the young minds of our society have been benefiting more than ever - to the extent where some have become millionaires, and even billionaires, from their intuitive ideas. …
Top 10 Motivational Picture Quotes for Entrepreneurs
Staying in the Zone Staying motivated in business is pivotal. It is the most important emotion an entrepreneur can have. For thousands of entrepreneurs, even the most successful, staying motivated, day in and day out, is a difficult task. The process of building a business …