The new era for entrepreneurs is one that is based on people - lots of people, who share everything. From Bitcoin, to Uber, to Airbnb and now EatWith - it’s all about sharing capacity. You can now get paid to share a ride, a room, …
Train Your Staff to Wear Many Hats
I’m on the road right now for a business trip. During some downtime yesterday I went to a gym to work off some pent-up energy and decompress from the meetings and constant phone calls. It’s a nice gym; one I’ve been to before. I like …
One of the Most Persistent Entrepreneurs of Our Time
I’m convinced that my son, the precocious toddler, will make an excellent entrepreneur. He is one of the most persistent people I know, a trait he gets from his mother. From trying to steal our 90 pound rhodesian ridgeback’s chew toy from her mouth to …
NatureBox Helping Save America One Obese Person at a Time
Snacks and processed foods have become contentious issues in recent years. The ingredients of these convenient edibles are the culprit, at least in part, for nearly half of the adult American population being diagnosed as clinically obese. Many children, who are the target market for …
Women Love The Hunt
If you’ve heard of The Hunt, a social shopping website, and been reading some of my stories, you’d realize that I am a chasm away from being their target customer. I’m an old geezer compared to their target audience, and I’m also male. But, with …
Raising Millions for a New Kind of Mayonnaise
I’m no Rocky Balboa. I find raw eggs repulsive and studies have shown that they are not meant to be consumed by humans. Unfortunately, there are a number of processed food products that taste brilliant, but they contain unsavory things such as raw eggs. Take …
Open Utility Creates Disruptive Platform for Global Energy Market
Whether your brand of politics advances or retards your belief in global warming and pollution, the one thing the numbers are clear about, is that old world energy producers are beginning to take a hit where it matters most - their bottom line. This is …
How to Get Your Product Selling in Major Retail Stores - According to Millionaire Expert
[dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]I[/dropcap] had a meeting yesterday with a multi-millionaire entrepreneur who made his fortune creating products for retail sale. His new passion, and the reason for our meeting, is a startup nutraceutical company looking to go public, after it raises about $4 …
WestJet Goes Above and Beyond to Provide Customers with Unforgettable Experience
WestJet, one of the only truly private airlines in Canada (followed the Southwest model), has given us an incredible example of what it means to go above and beyond to provide your customers with an exceptional, and unforgettable experience. I don’t think I’ve ever seen …
Snapchat is Facebook’s Biggest Threat, and Zuckerberg Knows It
Snapchat: Social Media With A Short Memory is Taking Over Teenage Lives Recently, Mark Zuckerberg finally was forced to come clean and admit what many have been noticing over the past few years – Facebook is losing ground as the top social media choice among …