Headline News
I’m a Junkie But I Have a Solution (September 10, 2017 8:03 pm)
How to Keep Your Head While Losing Your Shirt (September 4, 2017 1:21 pm)
This Kills Startups Every Day (August 27, 2017 9:34 pm)
Rising as An Entrepreneur Falling as a Dad (August 20, 2017 8:14 pm)
Champions are Made in the Mud (August 12, 2017 10:03 pm)


Marco Rubio on free markets

Marco Rubio Bashes Capitalism and Free Mark...

Feb 28, 2016No Comments

Six years ago, Marco Rubio was my pick for the new face of the Republican Party. He was young, appeared sharp, and an apparent staunch

Homeless rate in California is rapidly rising

What Societal Class Are You In?

Feb 14, 2016No Comments

This site is, in large part, focused on innovative ways to make money in today’s global economy. Profit, of course, is a huge driving force

Colas is creating solar panels for roads

Colas Leading the Solar Energy Comeback

Feb 07, 2016No Comments

In 2008, Obama campaigned on a few issues, none more memorable, and comical, than his goal to stop the world’s sea levels from rising… So

Hillary Clinton anti-business remarks

“Will Hillary Clinton get prosecuted” T...

Jan 18, 2016No Comments

Hillary Clinton has a branding problem, to say the least. Aside from coming off as cold, out of touch, and just a flat out unexciting

Why Thomas Jefferson Hated the SOTU Speech ...

Jan 13, 2016No Comments

President Obama gave his final State of the Union address last night. While interest in the speech was the lowest it has ever been, which

Worst President in history of America

Obama Says San Bernardino Shooting Was Terr...

Dec 06, 2015No Comments

Tuning in early to the Colts & Steelers game, I was interrupted by Obama giving his third Oval Office address “to the American people.” Perhaps

Space Race between Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos

New Space Race Inspires Entrepreneurs Every...

Nov 25, 2015No Comments

Just watching, even from afar, innovative entrepreneurs take on daring challenges is incredibly inspiring. I find it makes me think bigger and more confidently, and

Donald Trump campaigning

1 Day After Paris & Now the World Agre...

Nov 14, 2015No Comments

Say what you will about Donald Trump, but the guy has guts. Although he wouldn’t be my first choice for President, he’s brought some key

Russia biker gang Night Wolves

The Irony of Putin’s Biker Gang

Oct 25, 2015No Comments

Akin to Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, Vladimir Putin’s biker gang of like-minded bruisers, whom he refers to as patriots and has ridden with in the

Conservative ad campaign against Justin Trudeau

Horrible Marketing: Conservatives “Ju...

Oct 15, 2015No Comments

The Canadian election takes place on Monday, October 19th. Voter turnout is expected to be very high, which could speak to frustrations among the nation’s

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