I love writing my newsletter. It’s an outlet to share my thoughts and insights on a subject I’ve committed my working life to. Writing my newsletter has helped build my company’s following. It has encouraged me to deeply research subjects I am interested in (and …
What is Your Wealth Model?
Nathan Bedford Forrest was a conflicted man, and a brutal general for the Confederate Army during the American Civil War. He was a ruthless tactician and a racist. Federalist William Tecumseh Sherman (another infamous general from the Civil War) famously dubbed him ‘that Devil Forrest.’ …
Why Money Can’t Be Your Barometer for Success
It’s funny how experience and age change context… Remember when we were 23, fresh out of college, feeling enlightened, and loaded with an opinion on just about everything? How silly we were. We didn’t know shit about the real world, but you’d better not have …
Are You a Truly Successful Entrepreneur?
Keeping score in business is a big deal for me. And it’s not simply because I’m a competitive person… As an entrepreneur, it can be hard to tell if what you are doing is what you should be doing – or, in other words, if …
Top 10 Must-Read Books For Entrepreneurs
There are two kinds of knowledge which form our decisions. The first is the knowledge that comes from the sum of our own authentic life experiences. The second is the knowledge that comes from the sum of other people’s experiences. The latter is why I …
If You’re a DINK, Become an Entrepreneur
I’m often asked the same question: “How did you become an entrepreneur?” It’s a broad and very open-ended question. But when I get down to the logistics of it, the real nuts and bolts of how I did it, (not why) there is one reason… …
Top 5 Industries For Entrepreneurs to Enter
Last week I wrote about the five worst industries to start a business in… avoid those like the plague unless you’re looking for daily headaches and a dwindling bank account. In this article, I want to look on the positive side of things and highlight …
5 Celebrities Turned Entrepreneurs
It takes a lot to become a star or celebrity, be it on the silver screen, on the field of battle in sports, or as a politician. But for a person to move their initial rise to stardom, already a difficult feat, to entrepreneurial success, …
The Advantages of Being Disadvantaged
Richard Branson is one of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs, not because he is successful or worth about $5 billion, but because he is tenacious and has, unlike most, a no-quit attitude. When a person demonstrates consistent perseverance, imagination and courage, even in the face of …
The 9 Ways Entrepreneurs Self-Sabotage Their Careers
As entrepreneurs we often have no one to answer to but ourselves. Our day-to-day activities are not monitored and if we decide to spend the afternoon on the golf course, it’s up to us. But just remember, distractions, such as checking your Facebook page, golfing …