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It’s On! Trump versus Clinton for Leader of Free World

June 8, 2016

History was apparently made last night, just don’t ask Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton won the Democrat nomination for President, making her the first woman to accomplish this in the history of America. So now the moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived: From now ‘til November, she will be going toe to toe with Donald Trump. Both candidates are highly disliked by factions within their own parties, yet appeal to a growing base of undecided voters.


Trump Has the Edge Over Hillary

Although the critics of Trump say the electoral map strongly indicates a Hillary victory in November, momentum looks to be on Trump’s side. And for his personality, he has the right message to take back the Rust Belt from the Democrats, which would almost guarantee a victory for The Donald. Not only that, but if Hillary’s victory speech last night was any indication of the narrative she will go with against Trump during the election season, it will backfire on her.


From Hillary Clinton’s Victory Speech Last Night

Clinton explained to her revelers last night that her mom told her from a young age to never back down from a bully - insinuating of course that Trump is that bully. Hillary called her victory a historic moment for women, which hints that her campaign strategy will be to hit Trump on his so-called misogynist ways. Problem is, given her husband’s track record and her reported silencing tactics of his female critics, it will backfire. Some right-wing commentators have gone so far as to call Bill a sexual predator - fodder for Trump on the campaign trail.

As an aside, Hillary looks rather sickly. This is no reason to critique someone, and I hope she isn’t ill, but appearance matters on the campaign trail. Energy levels matter - as we saw with Jeb ( Trump routinely attacked the once front-runner for being “low energy”). Drudge has reported there is a real health issue with Hillary that is being kept quiet. Who knows…

Moreover, Trump will not let Clinton’s email server problem die. And nor should he. This should be of huge concern for the American voter. And if Hillary doesn’t win, it could be her Nixon moment. It’s likely ‘do or be prosecuted’ for Hillary this election. I suspect the investigators are too nervous to prosecute a potential future President… but if she doesn’t win, Hillary will likely be prosecuted. That dark cloud will not leave her the entire campaign - Trump will make sure of that.

In Trump’s victory speech last night he promised to make a big speech about ‘Clinton corruption’ and how they sold government access for money. The gloves are off, and I think Trump will come out of this scrum the victor. Hillary just has too many skeletons. As crazy as it is to say, Bernie Sanders would have been a tougher fight for Trump than Hillary Clinton. She’s a flawed candidate.

Stay hungry,
Aaron Hoddinott signature


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Like all of you entrepreneurs and investors out there, Aaron has been in the trenches. He is the founder of an influential online media and PR company. From oil wildcatters to mining prospectors, tech gurus to medical doctors, and even celebrities, Aaron has helped market and expand brand awareness for a diverse range of publicly traded companies ran by entrepreneurs from all walks of life.

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