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The Next Major Retail IPO (March 13, 2014 5:49 pm)

Startups Category


The Only True Free Market Currency in the W...

Apr 08, 201310 Comments390 Views

Changing The Paradigm Many entrepreneurs aren’t familiar with what Bitcoin is or exactly how it works. And those who have read about Bitcoin online have


Tesla Motors Carving Out a Niche in the Lux...

Apr 05, 20134 Comments494 Views

Saving the Earth in Style When the company unleashed its landmark Roadster, the first fully electric sports car, Tesla Motors suddenly became a brand to


Uber: A Great Startup Business But Can it S...

Apr 03, 201327 Comments1945 Views

Uber Cool, Uber Fast As a Chicagoan, one of the worst experiences in the city one can have is arriving at Midway, on the heels


Tim Burton: A Weird, Innovative and Passion...

Apr 01, 2013No Comments193 Views

The media often describes Tim Burton as weird, even a bit twisted, but no matter how he’s described by the talking heads, I think this


Entrepreneurs: Adapt and Change Like Seamle...

Mar 28, 2013No Comments384 Views

Adapt and Survive Few companies have demonstrated the importance of this crucial mantra to the entrepreneur than Seamless, now a digital food ordering and delivery


Airbnb Mastering the Service Networking Eco...

Mar 27, 20131 Comment266 Views

The Service Networking Economy One of the most promising emerging markets in the web economy is the service networking market, which consists of sites that


The Vlogbrothers Have Turned Passion Into P...

Mar 13, 2013No Comments219 Views

When brothers Hank and John Green started their YouTube channel in 2007, then called Brotherhood 2.0, they had no idea what it would grow into.


ecoATM Making Money From Old Cell Phones Wh...

Feb 14, 20131 Comment133 Views

A Built-In Market About 700 million smartphones were shipped in 2012, nearly 2 billion mobile phones in total. The average cell phone in the US