Headline News
How An Office Can Destroy Your Potential (November 29, 2016 8:52 am)
The NFL is Capitulating to Punk Players (November 23, 2016 8:50 am)
Sell Hard (November 7, 2016 8:24 am)
Why You Shouldn’t Dress Up for Halloween (October 31, 2016 1:39 pm)

Culture of Capitalism

made problem for entrepreneurs

Are You Too Close to Your Company?

Sep 04, 2015No Comments

I spent the first half of the week editing a comprehensive business plan for my new tech startup. I’m bias of course, but it’s an

Donald Trump campaigning

Authenticity Trumps Accommodation

Aug 25, 2015No Comments

We’ve hit what I call ‘Peak Political Correctness’… people want real. They’re sick of smooth talkers who never dare cross a social line and always

Raising the Minimum Wage is bad for the economy

Save Jobs by Abolishing the Minimum Wage?

Aug 18, 2015No Comments

Working as a farmhand was my first job as a teenager. I made minimum wage, but had no problem with that. Quite frankly, I was

Young adults and the entitlement society

The Entitlement Epidemic

Aug 16, 2015No Comments

I grew up playing sports at the tail end of an era when one only received awards for being the best or close to. Quite

Keeping your guard up as an entrepreneur is importantreneurs staying on defense is key

Never Admire Your Punch

Mar 28, 2015No Comments

I loved going to my best friend’s house as a kid mostly because there were few rules over there. I also enjoyed it because we

Judo is a great sport for entrepreneurs

Judo is THE Sport for Entrepreneurs

Mar 21, 2015No Comments

The importance of being athletic and active was ingrained in me from a young age. And competitive sports were a huge part of my life

When should you change jobs

The Best (And Worst) Time to Change Jobs

Jan 31, 2015No Comments

Loyalty in the corporate world is non-existent. Gone are the days when people would stick with a company for 30 years, be given a retirement

How to work from home and make the ultimate home office

Entrepreneur or not, working from home enco...

Jan 17, 2015No Comments

During the economic troubles experienced in the USA over the past few years, families have been doing everything they can to cut back costs and

Book review of The Men, The Mission and Me

The Commonalities of Hunting a Terrorist an...

Dec 06, 2014No Comments

I just finished reading a fantastic book The Mission, The Men, and Me by Pete Blaber, former Delta Force Commander. For all you entrepreneurs out

recession planning

7 Ways to Prepare Your Business for the Com...

Oct 15, 2014No Comments

The Dow is crashing and oil’s price is collapsing; emerging economies are no longer ‘emerging’ and small-caps, the best barometer of disposable income and risk

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