Headline News
Pay Down Your Mortgage or Save? (April 11, 2016 2:54 pm)
The Beginning of the End for Gas Cars (April 4, 2016 2:41 pm)
From NFL Star to Potato Farmer (March 30, 2016 4:11 pm)
The $30,000 Domain Name (March 29, 2016 9:00 am)

All posts by AJ Antony

AJ is a naturalist and economic realist. His articles are based on his study of world events and common sense, not conventional wisdom. He believes technology allows humanity to get past the deficiencies inherent in civilization's inadequate political methods and deficient economic tools. His observations are sometimes radical, sometimes provocative and sometimes misunderstood. But they are effective in evoking a discourse. Ultimately, that is his intention and desire - to stir the pot in search of solutions to today's political and economical challenges.

Entrepreneurs in India

India’s Economic Growth Enticing Glob...

Jan 22, 2015No Comments

When we speak of wealth creation, it is not just applicable to the affluent, but also to those stuck in poverty traps and others in

India's economy is great for investors and entrepreneurs

An Investor’s Guide to India – Part I

Dec 22, 2014No Comments

This is the first of a three-part series aimed at highlighting a few key points about an emerging economy, filled with talented entrepreneurs, which is

Monteris Medical neurosurgery technology

In The Business of Brain Surgery

Nov 26, 2014No Comments

Across the various surgical disciplines in the medical field, I have to say, the one that captures my imagination and guides my curiosity is neurosurgery.

Algolux aims to improve smartphone cameras through software improvements

Algolux Raises Big Bucks For Optical Softwa...

Sep 18, 2014No Comments

When we pull out a cell phone to snap a picture, there is a lot going on inside that device which we take for granted.

DARPA's amazing technology innovations

Technological Advances Thanks to a Shadowy ...

Jun 24, 20141 Comment

If there is one thing that I like about the military, it is the gadgets and technology which sprout out of it. Growing up with

Percolate is a rapidly growing startup

How this Startup is Building a Fortune 500 ...

Mar 31, 2014No Comments

Automating social media posts was the ‘it’ technology for businesses and professional bloggers about 4 years ago; but now it takes a hell of a

HealthTap about to dominate online medical checkup industry

HealthTap Garners $38 Million for Online Ch...

Mar 15, 20141 Comment

I am not old enough to remember the days of doctor’s house calls, but I can only imagine how convenient that would have been. Falling

Wayfair.com IPO

The Next Major Retail IPO

Mar 13, 2014No Comments

Online retail is not exclusively the domain of Amazon.com. There are others out there. One in particular that I like is a company which started

Facebook to buy drone company

Titan Aerospace’s Drones Are the Next...

Mar 12, 20141 Comment

By this point, most of you have probably heard the rumor that Facebook is contemplating the purchase of drone maker Titan Aerospace. Indeed, if true,

Reflektion technology predicts consumer behaviour

Reflektion Creates Technology That Predicts...

Mar 11, 2014No Comments

Imagine a world with 9 billion people forming the largest marketplace ever seen. Imagine the Internet of Things being able to identify and locate every

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