
This Could Be as Big of an Innovation as the Internet

Nearly three months ago I wrote an in-depth report on augmented reality and holography. It documented how impactful both technologies will be for the global economy over the next 3 to 5 years. Continual advancements in holography over the past decade have brought the technology …

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Church of Golf

Golf is a sacred sport… it is a sport based on etiquette and honesty – two qualities virtually every religion in the world promotes. And there are no two qualities more important in a business partner, employee or boss than those two right there. As such, …

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Technological Advances Thanks to a Shadowy Outfit of the US Military

If there is one thing that I like about the military, it is the gadgets and technology which sprout out of it. Growing up with James Bond movies and watching Q’s R&D division outfit 007 before every adventure, I associate DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research …

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Reflektion Creates Technology That Predicts What You Will Buy Next

Imagine a world with 9 billion people forming the largest marketplace ever seen. Imagine the Internet of Things being able to identify and locate every product on this planet, in real time - forming the largest inventory of goods. Imagine the potential. However, with that …

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What Microsoft’s New CEO Means for the Company’s Future

[dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]M[/dropcap]icrosoft made it official today. Its new CEO is Satya Nadella, a 22 year veteran of the company. He led the firm’s Cloud division to record operating profits of $8 billion on revenues of $22 billion. The board also confirmed …

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Why Has Bill Gates Invested in this Startup?

Bill Gates Sees Opportunity in Batteries and Energy Storage Batteries are often taken for granted and the industry as whole has never been considered all that sexy. However, when you think about this industry, and its vital role in our technology-based society, you’ll realize that …

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