Freedom and privacy. They go hand in hand. If they’re important to you, and you’re an American, you may want to start paying close attention to Rand Paul - no matter if you line up on the right or left. [Tweet “If freedom is important …
The Start of a Slow Death for The Internet
As I’ve been saying all along about so-called Net Neutrality, it’s a sham! Dressed up with a benign and harmless name, Net Neutrality will take away advantages the internet has provided small businesses and transfer them to corporations with fat wallets looking for exceptions (conglomerates …
Net Neutrality is a Trojan Horse
The phrase Net Neutrality hardly sounds threatening. The theme, or undertone, behind the name branding of this potential law is ‘fairness’. But, as we’ve seen in the past, lawmakers sure know how to title a bill… take the Affordable Care Act or the Patriot Act …