Net Neutrality is a Trojan Horse

The phrase Net Neutrality hardly sounds threatening. The theme, or undertone, behind the name branding of this potential law is ‘fairness’. But, as we’ve seen in the past, lawmakers sure know how to title a bill… take the Affordable Care Act or the Patriot Act …

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60 Minutes Props Up NSA Image in Softball Interview

60 Minutes recently aired a segment on the National Surveillance Agency, marketing it as an in depth interview with key directors and generals directly involved with the agency. What could have been an excellent chance to probe into the controversial claims of “whistleblower” Edward Snowden that the NSA has …

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First They Want to Take Our Guns, Now the Internet

Squandering American Hegemony [dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]T[/dropcap]he desire to impede, encroach and trample on a person’s rights, freedom and liberties, is typically characterized in America by the continuous and tenacious assault from occupants in the White House - and much of the Left - on the right to …

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