I must admit, I was hesitant to buy John Izzo’s book, The Five Thieves of Happiness. The last thing I wanted to read was another self-improvement book. Authors of such books rarely provide memorable philosophies or useable ideas – they’re almost always too idealistic or …
Your Fortunes Fluctuate But Your Character Must be Consistent
Anyone can be friendly and jovial when everything is going well. But to truly live a life worthy of remembering, maintaining that level of generosity and happiness even in the tough times is required. So how do you do that? I certainly am not the …
Happiness Comes from Learning to Appreciate The Value of Pain
Life kicked your ass. You just lost a fortune in the stock market, your sweetheart left, and you were recently diagnosed with prostate cancer… Depressing, right? This happened to a friend/mentor of mine years ago. What was once the centre of his universe - his …
Why Paraplegics Are as Happy as Lottery Winners
The saying “perception is reality” rings true in every facet of our lives. How we perceive our environment, the behavior of others, body language, our personal financial circumstances, religion etc. will no doubt dictate whether we are generally happy or not. As such, our mind …