From concept to product launch, entrepreneurs are in for a wild and uncertain adventure. The crazy thing about it is, every step along the way gets more complicated and unpredictable, and the stakes get higher. That’s why many inventors fear the day their product/baby is …
Solve Problems Slowly
Entrepreneurs are inundated with challenges, surprises, and problems. It’s part of the game. And whether we acknowledge it or not, that unpredictable nature of entrepreneurship is what we love. We love building and fixing things. However, when it comes to problems, there is a recurring …
The Most Underpaid Professional Athlete of All Time?
As a hard-core basketball fan who grew up watching the Bulls win 6 championships, I thoroughly enjoyed the first two episodes of ‘The Last Dance.’ They were nostalgic, and listening to Michael Jordan reminisce about the Bulls’ run was pretty cool. However, more compelling than …
Forgetfulness Can Be a Superpower
Ryan Holiday is a marketing guru, student of the stoics, rancher, and from all the podcasts, content, and books I’ve read of his, a pretty grounded family man. I just finished his latest book, Stillness Is The Key, this past week and wanted to highlight …
Panic or Opportunity?
Panic is highly contagious, more so than any virus or disease. And, in many instances, it’s much more dangerous if you’re infected by it. With so much uncertainty and negativity in the world, led by a rise in the scarcity mindset developed during the COVID-19 …
Finding the Silver Lining Amidst Chaos
Anxiety seeped through their voices. I heard devastating stories while speaking with many fellow entrepreneurs this past week. Some are left in precarious positions requiring a big dip into their personal savings to keep their employees paid and business afloat… Although a cash call to …
Covid-19 And The Dangers of a Scarcity Mindset
Not to make light of this virus, which has killed thousands, is stressing many families, has canceled travel plans, halted economic activity, and is sweeping across the world without prejudice, but it’s serving as one hell of a reminder to us all just how damaging …
Many Startup Entrepreneurs Lack Social IQ
I’ve met with many brilliant entrepreneurs that failed because they lost their social IQ. Put another way; they lost awareness - which is what gives entrepreneurs vision. How others perceived these talented startup entrepreneurs, and how well they listened to their audience, became an afterthought …
Relive Your Victories
I frequently invest in startups and early-stage ventures. High risk/reward companies which often dissolve, but sometimes provide potential life-changing returns. Venture investing is most certainly a battle of attrition and requires taking swings well out of your comfort zone. Essentially, the venture/startup space is an …
The All-In Entrepreneur
On social media, you’ll find dozens, if not hundreds, of entrepreneurial personalities proclaiming their loyalty to “the hustle.” The message is generally the same: “I hustle harder than anyone else, and that’s why I’m rich and successful. I’m all-in.” While this may be true for …