Like wasting your time? Of course not. But yet, you do it every day. Can’t beat yourself up over it, though. Reality is, you’re a human, and being such a creature means your brain can’t function at peak levels for more than a few hours …
The Discipline of Not Diversifying
After experiencing some early success as an entrepreneur, I started investing in other ventures/sectors, hoping to leverage some of my newly-earned capital. It was the ‘smart’ thing to do, or so I was told. I invested in various industries, despite having little to no experience …
Panic or Opportunity?
Panic is highly contagious, more so than any virus or disease. And, in many instances, it’s much more dangerous if you’re infected by it. With so much uncertainty and negativity in the world, led by a rise in the scarcity mindset developed during the COVID-19 …
Covid-19 And The Dangers of a Scarcity Mindset
Not to make light of this virus, which has killed thousands, is stressing many families, has canceled travel plans, halted economic activity, and is sweeping across the world without prejudice, but it’s serving as one hell of a reminder to us all just how damaging …
The All-In Entrepreneur
On social media, you’ll find dozens, if not hundreds, of entrepreneurial personalities proclaiming their loyalty to “the hustle.” The message is generally the same: “I hustle harder than anyone else, and that’s why I’m rich and successful. I’m all-in.” While this may be true for …
Your Business Goes Where Your Eyes Go
I was in my early twenties and just bought a Lamborghini-orange Kawasaki Ninja 636. In my eyes, it was the coolest looking and sounding motorbike in the world. I always wanted a ‘crotch rocket,’ as they were dubbed back in the day. My dad and …
Do You Have the Spirit?
The world can never have too many entrepreneurs… they’ve helped make people’s remedial tasks easier, added millions of jobs to the global economy, made life more enjoyable, sporting games more engaging and so, so much more. Entrepreneurs give people outlets while financing startups and dreams. …
Why Money Can’t Be Your Barometer for Success
It’s funny how experience and age change context… Remember when we were 23, fresh out of college, feeling enlightened, and loaded with an opinion on just about everything? How silly we were. We didn’t know shit about the real world, but you’d better not have …
Predictable is Impossible for Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs yearn for predictability, whether we want to admit it or not. It makes sense we would be this way… when running a business, a predictable environment allows one to carefully mitigate risk, time expansion, marketing, and hiring plans, as well as develop a rainy …
Are You Ready for Entrepreneurship? Answer These Questions to Find Out
Many people ponder the question ‘should I start my own business?’ at some point or another. Most never do much more than that. However, if you’re one of the more serious people contemplating the road of entrepreneurship, there are some specific questions you should ask …