
Apparently Americans Are Too Stupid to Understand Obamacare

I’ve grown accustom to many politicians and lobbyists lying. However, the latest example of political fudgery grinds my gears. It has to do with Obamacare, and the culprit is one of the law’s key architects, Jonathan Gruber. By 2010, The White House had apparently paid …

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The Horrible Advertisements Promoting Obamacare

[dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]T[/dropcap]o be successful at marketing and sales, you have to believe in what you are selling. If you don’t believe in the product, it’ll show in your sales pitch… Just when I thought the marketers supporting Obamacare couldn’t lose more …

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Obama Blames White People For Sinking Approval Rating?

[dropcap style=”style1, style2, style3, or style4″]C[/dropcap]lassic Liberal Strategy: When things aren’t going your way, or when losing a debate, resort to the race card. After all, anyone who doesn’t support Obama has to be a racist redneck clinging to their guns and religion. [Tweet “…they …

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Socialists Within the White House are Destroying Capitalism in America

Our friends on the left, including the President of the US, continue to preach about the wonders of socialism, and its ability to elevate those at the bottom of the economic spectrum without hurting those at the top. However, anyone with a sense of real …

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