What a week! Flew back from Vancouver and arrived home to a complete gong show… Prior to leaving for Vancouver, I made sure everything was in place to renovate my family home as we are preparing to sell it. All the trades were lined up …
A Valuable Lesson on Home Inspections
A mixture of rain and hail was pelting the ground as Calgary was hit with the worst summer storm I’ve ever seen. It had been raining hard for a week, and this storm was the climax of it all. Thankfully, the family and I planned …
Landlord Etiquette - How to Build Rapport with Tenants
A tenant is a landlord’s business partner, and they should be treated accordingly. This means they should be shown respect, but also held accountable. Essentially, they are watching over one of your most expensive assets – therefor it is imperative your relationship with them is …
Should Landlords Allow Dogs in Rental Properties?
I got a call on Sunday from my favourite tenant. She’s been living in one of my investment properties for nearly four years, and has been nothing but a pleasure to deal with. However, the only time she calls me, which is rare, is when …
The 5 Pitfalls of Owning an Investment Property
I’m a strong advocate for steadily buying/accumulating hard assets, be it precious metals, land and investment properties. I’ve been practicing what I preach for several years now; and along the way I’ve learned some very valuable lessons in hard asset investing. In this article I …