I got a call on Sunday from my favourite tenant. She’s been living in one of my investment properties for nearly four years, and has been nothing but a pleasure to deal with. However, the only time she calls me, which is rare, is when …
Should Landlords Allow Dogs in Rental Properties?
Published by Aaron Hoddinott
Category: Real Estate / For the Home, Risk vs. RewardTagged investment property, investment properties, tenant, perfect tenant, Should Landlords Allow Dogs?, allow dogs or not, types of rental properties, rental condo, renting out a condo, yappy dogs, rental property, investment property is a house, Pros to Allowing Dogs in Your Rental Property, landlord and rent out a condo
Category: Real Estate / For the Home, Risk vs. RewardTagged investment property, investment properties, tenant, perfect tenant, Should Landlords Allow Dogs?, allow dogs or not, types of rental properties, rental condo, renting out a condo, yappy dogs, rental property, investment property is a house, Pros to Allowing Dogs in Your Rental Property, landlord and rent out a condo